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Railway Signalling Cables

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Application: Used in all railway applications including light switching, track changing and communication.
Types and Sizes: Screened / Unscreened upto 61 Cores
Conductor: Solid Circular Conductor
Insulation: PVC with IRS Properties
Inner Sheath: PVC
Armour: Galvanised Wire or Strip / Double Steel Tape
Outer Sheath: PVC with IRS properties
Specifications: Indian Railway Specifications: S-63/2014 with upto date amendments

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Aerial Bunched Cables, Coaxial Cables, Concentric Cables, Control Cables, Crd And Trailing Cables, Fire Survival Cables, Flat And Submersible Cable, Flexible Multi Core Cables, Foundation Fieldbus And Profibus Cables, High Temperature Cables, House And Building Wire And Flexible Cables, Indoor Telephone Cables, Instrumentation Cables, Optical Cables, Overhead Conductors Cable, Power Cables, Railway Signalling Cables, Rubber Cables, Solar Cables, Thermocouple And Compensating Cables, Wind Power Cables